Site Screeners vibratory hopper-type screeners are available in three sizes to match your capacity requirements. Each model can quickly screen and separate the various types of materials your projects require, be it topsoil, loam, sand, gravel, drainage rock, septic stone, road base, clean fill….from the raw materials generated on-site by site clearing, trenching, foundation/basement excavation, site reclamation, stump removal, septic systems, paving, utility repair, road repair, demolition….Just put the right model for your loader to work for you and you’ll discover why our customers say…….
"The SITE SCREENER’s uses are limited only by your imagination."
- Efficient : easy to load with a truck, 30 second recycle time, always a one man job.
- Versatile: 500 screen sizes available, accepts nearly any material, no-clog hopper.
- Portable: can be pulled by 3/4 or 1 ton truck.
- Profitable: low investment, high yield per hour, low operating costs, fast payback.
- Built to last: rugged beam construction, heavy plate steel, diesel powered, all hydraulic
- Screen deck vibration action designed for optimum material separation
- Economical John Deere diesel engines
- Operates up to 1 1/2 days on one tank of fuel
- Internal conveyors have belt sensor system with auto-shut down
- XL30 and XL45 screeners are mounted on integral trailers with tandem axles; trailer does not have to be removed to operate screener; XL20 has hydraulic lifting rear axle.
- Trailers have 300- 400 lbs. tongue weight, pintle hitches, electric brakes, lights, breakaway switches
- Six easy grease points, all on one side
- An optional stacking conveyor can be used for the screened fine material or for the oversized material; reserve hydraulic power is built into the Site Screener to operate a stacker.

© Cornelius Equipment Company 2011-2012
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