The SOIL PRO is a portable shredding/blending/screening plant with the most effective pulverizing action of any machine made. The power of the SOIL PRO’s shredding chamber makes it capable of handling dirt, heavy soils, compost, and other difficult materials with ease [including high moisture content materials]. The material feed rate can be substantially higher than other machines. And the efficiency of the grind will be 95-98% . The finished material is a well pulverized, high quality product!
- Powerful diesel engine with reserve horsepower.
- Direct mechanical drive to the hammermill to deliver maximum blow.
- Positive shredding action from flail-type hammers and auxiliary rotating discs (see skematic).
- Hydraulic variable speed feed conveyor belt.
- Hydraulic variable speed discharge conveyor belt.
- Revolving trommel screener basket with brush for self-cleaning.
- Heavy-duty drive train components.
- Extra-heavy welded steel structural components.

The SOIL PRO portable shredding/blending/screening plant is available in three models. Additionally, a "Stand-Alone" shredding chamber is available for bagging operations or other applications (please call for details on this model).
The SOIL PRO SP2400 has a 24" wide hammermill, 48 flail hammers, and 125 cu. yds./hr. output rating.
The SOIL PRO SP3600 has a 36" wide hammermill, 72 flail hammers, and 200 cu. yds./hr. output rating.
The SOIL PRO SP4800 has a 48" wide hammermill, 96 flail hammers, and 275 cu. yds./hr. output rating.
Please Note:
CAPACITY RATINGS are realistic for material which is not excessive in moisture.
- STANDARD DESIGN FEATURES include large hopper with hyd. variable speed belt feed; high speed hammermill with flail-type hammers and upper rotor shaft with star-wheel discs; direct drive to hammermill from John Deere diesel engine with reserve power; hyd. variable speed discharge belt; trommel screener basket with brush; manual raise/lower of discharge conveyor; extra heavy duty structural components; portable chassis.
- OPTIONS include manual or hyd. tipping grate over hopper; hyd. shaker grate over hopper; hyd. raise/lower for discharge conveyor; Cat or Cummins engines; stacking conveyor (or hyd. provision for it); remote control; no trommel screener basket [deduct]; others upon request.
- DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS are available for each model.
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